Hey y’all! I ordered some new clothes for the girls last weekend from Baby Gap and Old Navy – 2 of my faves! I have’t gotten everything in the mail yet, but I wanted to share/link everything below for y’all to see what I got them, before it all sells out. 🙂 A lot of the summer pieces + swimsuits are already gone, so I’m linking everything that we got that is still available!
Olivia is wearing a 3T in dresses/tops for length and a 2T in denim shorts. I got her the 3T shorts initially and they’re wayyyy too big haha. Rosie is 6 months old and weighs 18.5lbs and I got her the 6-12 months in everything. 🙂
shop everything I got for the girls – Toddler + Baby Clothes Summer 2020 – Gap 40% off Friends and Family + Old Navy Sale