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Milk Boss Nursing Pillow from Itzy Ritzy // Swan Blanket // monogram necklace – xl 16″ // mama necklace // white large throw pillows //
Hey y’all! Today I am sharing a more personal post. Before being a mom, I truly had no clue how much work it is. Like it is the most demanding job I’ve ever had. I have such a newfound respect for moms out there, especially stay at home moms, because caring for a newborn all day long is no joke. Don’t get me wrong, it’s also the best, sweetest job I’ve ever had! But, there are no “breaks” and it doesn’t end at 5pm (sometimes I wish it did haha.).
learning how to be quiet on a whole new level
Before Olivia, I would stomp around the house and never think twice about making a ruckus. Now, that’s a whole different story! When she’s asleep, you best believe I am using my super ninja skills at all times. There is nothing worse than literally spending so much time getting her to fall asleep, and then dropping something and she’s awake for hours. Trust me, I’ve done it so many times and I still am like WHY WHY WHY! Every minute she’s asleep during the day is precious time that can’t be wasted. 🙂
literally being her lifeline – before she was here and now that she’s an infant
It’s still so crazy for me to wrap my mind around that fact that my body grew Olivia. I know, I know, people have been doing it forever (literally). But, thinking about it is still just so amazing to me. Now that she’s here, I’m still her lifeline for food, to nurture her, and to make her feel loved. Especially because I’m breastfeeding her, it’s so amazing (for lack of a better word) to know that I am nourishing her little body to grow and flourish.
I’ve gotten a lot of questions about breastfeeding, and really feel like I’m such an amateur to give any tips or advice! My biggest piece of advice is just do what works for you. 🙂 If it isn’t working, a fed baby is always best! For me, I’m so lucky and thankful that breastfeeding has gone really well for both of us. During the day I feed her downstairs in the living room, and love my Milk Boss nursing pillow from Itzy Ritzy for supporting her head while I’m feeding her. It gives my arm a break and it supports her head so nicely. I also have an extra Milk Boss over at my mom’s house for easy and convenient feeding there too. 🙂 During the night I feed her in the baby rocker recliner chair that we have in our bedroom. It’s so comfy and I love rocking her in it. 🙂
Throughout the day, I feed her on demand when she’s hungry. That typically ends up being about every 3 hours during the day! During the night she will go about 6-7 hours in one stretch without waking up, and then I’ll feed her again. She will sleep for another 3-4 hours again and I’ll feed her again and lay her back down. She’s really good about going back to sleep after I finish feeding her at night (during the day – not so much haha).
being thankful for 4-5 hours of uninterrupted sleep
Olivia is actually such a good sleeper, but I still value my sleep. Before she was here, I was totally an 8-10 hours of sleep kind of girl. I need my sleep! It’s so crazy to me how good I feel now, not getting close to what I used to. I used to sleep all through the night, and wouldn’t wake up until the morning. Now, I’m thankful to be awoken at 4, 5, 6am because I’m like YES, she slept for so long! It’s so funny how life changes with a baby.
Typically, I lay her down around 8:30/9pm, she will wake up around 3am, again around 6am, and then anywhere from 7-9am when she gets up for the day. I wish I had a trick to say how she does this, but I think it’s just luck! I do burp her halfway through feeding and then when she’s finished, and make her eat until she’s full (not letting her fall asleep). So, maybe that’s something to try if you’re not doing that! She also sleeps the first and second stretch in her baby swing in our room. She loves it and she will continue to sleep in there until she doesn’t want to anymore haha.
making up silly songs
I always use to laugh at my mom for doing this, but it works, y’all. Sometimes I’m so tired and tired of singing the same nursery rhymes that I make up my own songs. Drew does it too and it’s so fun that we have our own little made up songs for her now. 🙂
loving in a whole new way
I know every mom says this, but there is a reason! I seriously have never felt a love like the love I have for Olivia before. Right now, it’s such a selfless love because she really can’t love me back! I’m constantly taking care of her, nurturing her, changing her, feeding her, etc. I’m so excited for her to know that I’m ‘mama’ and for her to love me back. Which I know she loves me now, but y’all know what I mean! Even when she smiles at me now, I seriously melt into a puddle. There is nothing sweeter in the world. 🙂
realizing i could truly stare at her all day long
I laugh when people say, nap when she naps! First of all, I am not a napper. If I lay down, I’m thinking of the 698 things I should be doing instead. Plus, she’s such a good sleeper at night I’m like, I don’t need anymore sleep! Secondly, she is too dang cute! I would rather stare at her being adorable and cute while she’s sleeping than miss out on it haha. Some of my favorite moments are when I pull her into the bed with me in the mornings and I wake up before she does. I’ll just lay there and stare at every inch of her tiny little face. She isn’t going to be tiny forever, and I want to soak it all in as best as I can. 🙂
Becoming a mom has been seriously so incredible. I’m so thankful every single day that God chose me to be a mom and specifically chose me to be Olivia’s mom.
Thank you so much to Itzy Ritzy for sponsoring this post. As always, I only share brands + products that I truly love with y’all! 🙂 XOXO!!