LEFT: Before – March 1, 2016 // RIGHT: After PIIT28 2.0 – June 1, 2016 (3 rounds)
LEFT: Before – March 1, 2016 // RIGHT: After PIIT28 2.0 – June 1, 2016 (3 rounds)
TOP: Before – March 1, 2016 // BOTTOM: After PIIT28 2.0 – June 1, 2016 (3 rounds)
PIIT28 2.0 Review + Results
Already convinced with my progress and want to check PIIT28 out for yourself? Click here to read more & purchase! 🙂
Wow. I can’t believe I have completed 3 rounds of PIIT28. These 84 days have flown by. For those of you who have followed my progress from the start, or haven’t, I started PIIT28 1.0 on March 1. Now I have completed PIIT28 1.0 round 1 and round 2 as well as PIIT28 2.0 round 1. Whew!!! I have gotten so much stronger mentally and physically. It’s been so crazy to see my body transform, especially my core and legs. I’m so confident wearing shorts, a bikini, anything now because if worked so hard to earn this body. My legs have never, ever been this lean. I am actually so proud of them and can thank all of the hopping lunges, surfers, and reptile jumps (the worst). I look forward to working out now because I love the PIIT28 workouts so much. The workouts haven’t gotten any easier, but I now don’t have to do any of be modifications for the moves which is so cool! I remember thinking in the first month of started PIIT28, how in the hell am I going to be able to do the non-modified moves?! Like those are for crazy non-humans. Well, here I am, doing them now! Cassey is so inspiring and I love watching the videos and listening to her words of encouragement and positivity throughout each PIIT28 workout.
PIIT28 2.0 is definitely more challenging than 1.0. The moves overall from the beginning are just more advanced, so I definitely recommend starting at 1.0 and not skipping straight to 2.0. Walk before you run! Haha. PIIT28 2.0 builds off 1.0 and the reason it’s separate is so your body doesn’t get used to you doing the 1.0 moves over and over again. On days I want more abs, I will do the ab video from 1.0 or I will go to blogilates on YouTube and do a a short ab video like 5-10 min.
I think a lot of people that reach out to me about PIIT seem hesitant because of the 6 days on and only 1 day of rest. I wouldn’t be honest if I said I’ve never missed a day. I have! I am a busy girl. I work a lot for my real job, I spend a good amount of time blogging and creating content, and I have this amazing person in my life aka my husband that I love spending my free time with. I travel a lot for my job and sometimes life just happens. I don’t beat myself up for missing a workout, I just push even harder during my next workout to keep getting stronger. I would say on a typical week I try to get in at least 5 days, 4 is the least. For me 4 is even so doable during weeks I travel. For example if I’m traveling Monday – Wednesday I may only workout 1 of those days, well I still have Thursday-Sunday so there is 5 days right there. 🙂 I found that when I stopped making excuses, it really helped me stay accountable for my workouts.
My Results:
Before PIIT28 (March 1)
-Waist (smallest part): 28.5″
-Hips (Drew & I measured the same day and our hips were the same size…omg): 40″
-Right arm: 11.875″
-Left arm: 11.625″
-Right Thigh: 22.5″
-Left Thigh: 22.25″
-Bust: 35.5″
-Chest: 30.75″
After PIIT28 2.0 Round 1 (June 1)
-Waist: 27.25″
-Hips: 39.25″ (#BootyGains)
-Right arm: 11.25″
-Left arm: 11.25″
-Right Thigh: 21.5″ (Went up slightly from muscle increase)
-Left Thigh: 21.5″ (Went up slightly from muscle increase)
-Bust: 33.5″
-Chest: 30.0″
Total inches lost from March 1 – June 1 : 7.5 inches
How I feel: I feel AMAZING. I’ve never felt so confident and proud of my body before. Im so happy that my legs, booty, arms, and shoulders are continuing to get stronger and leaner. My core has never been so lean. I love PIIT28 because it makes me feel SO good on top of making me look good. The workouts are empowering and exhilaration. I’m so happy that I have found a workout that I truly love.
A lot of people ask what PIIT28 is all about, how much, what exactly it is, etc. so here are my personal definitions below.
-What does PIIT mean?
->Pilates Intense Interval Training
-Ok, what does the above mean?
-> PIIT is a lot like HIIT workouts which combines moves that require intense bursts of energy mixed with moves that are more steady state and lower your heart rate back down. The increase and decrease of he heart rate is what torches the calories because you’re body doesn’t get used to the workout you’re doing, like it does say In a steady 20-30min jog.
-How long is it/how often?
-> 28 minutes + any time you take to warmup or cool down/stretch afterwards (which I recommend if you have time!) and it’s 6 days a week!
-How much does it cost?
-> 1.0 is $39 and PIIT28 2.0 was $29 for me. I received $10 off PIIT28 2.0 for completing 1.0. 🙂 For both 1.0 & 2.0 they are 1 time charges. You have the print outs, all content, videos, etc. forever.
-What comes with my purchase?
-> a downloadable PDF booklet with all the moves and program explanation, videos of all workouts (which is how I do my PIIT workouts, I just follow along with the video and repeat 4x!)
With that said, I haven’t been following a super strict meal plan, however you will not see results if your diet is all over the place! I’ve been eating clean for about a year and a half now, and I know which foods I can eat and those that I can’t. For example, I don’t eat any fried foods and limit dairy, because when I eliminated them from my diet I felt (and looked) so much better! Everyone’s body is different so you just need to find what your body likes and what it doesn’t. I’m soooo less bloated now than when I used to eat fried food mindlessly. I do “cheat” once a week and if I want Zaxby’s fries chicken fingers or Pizza Hut so be it! As Cassey calls cheat meals, YOLO Meals are essential for my sanity. They help me stay on track and are so much better when eaten as a treat rather than a daily norm.
– [ ] Blah blah blah I’m rambling about food, I know. I’m sorry! I just want y’all to realize how important it is. It’s just as, actually more, important than the workouts. If y’all want food advice or help, I can do my best to help you! That’s my favorite thing is to receive questions about health & fitness from y’all. Feel free to DM me on Instagram, comment below on here, or email me morgbullard@gmail.com with absolutely any questions you have! 🙂 I don’t want my blog to be one sided communication. I love hearing from y’all, and it helps me know that I’m sharing the right stuff with you guys. So please, reach out to me! 🙂 Click here to learn even more and purchase PIIT28!
Click here to see my blog post Review + Results of PIIT28 1.0 round 1
// and //
Click here to see my blog post: Review + Results of PIIT28 1.0 round 2! 🙂
Here are some pics that I have taken after completing PIIT28 2.0 round 1 (I am now doing PIIT28 2.0 round 2 until July 1!). I haven’t posted these to Insta because I know there are some people out there that don’t care to see my workout selfies so I am posting them here. 😉
I have abs, say what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loving how much stronger my shoulders/arms/quads are looking, so much leaner too.

No touchin’ up, just me! Today after completing my PIIT28 2.0 workout. 🙂

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