My Weekly Hair Routine: How I Style + Prep My Hair to Make it Last All Week

This post is sponsored by Pantene.  All thoughts and opinions are my own. 🙂

Hey friends! Hope y’all are having a great week so far. I thought it would be helpful to share my hair care routine with y’all – how I style my hair each day to make it last 5-7 days between washes! 

Spoiler alert: I don’t like washing my hair lol. I like to extend my blowout and hair as LONG as I possibly can, so this is the routine I’ve developed over the years to save me time, while still ensuring my hair looks good! 🙂


I have very oily hair – like super oily. If I wash in the morning it’s usually oily by the end of the day. It’s also really frizzy in the humidity and can be dry as I highlight/bleach it every 6-8 weeks. 


I wash my hair with purple shampoo, let it sit for a few minutes, then wash again and usually deep condition for at least 5 mins. I always spray a leave-in conditioner and a heat protectant in my hair before blow drying. For day 1 hair, I almost always wear it straight! After I blow dry, I spray a dry heat protectant on my hair – the Hot Mama Heat Activated Hair (Re)Freshing Spray from Pantene is one of my faves because it’s not sticky, dries quickly, and smells great. I straighten my hair, curling the ends under, and that’s it! This helps prep my hair for day 2-3 curls because it helps smooth out the frizz. I always finish with the Pantene Mist Behaving Dry Conditioner Mist – it smells AMAZING and leaves my hair super soft. It adds crazy good shine without adding any extra weight!

DAY 2-3

I love curling my hair on day 2-3 hair. Before going to bed at night, I ALWAYS spray dry shampoo around my roots and throw it up in a high ponytail in a silk scrunchie to go to sleep. The Never Tell Dry Shampoo Spray from Pantene is amazing – great smell, lightweight, leaves hair soft, and absorbs oil. In the morning, I apply a little more dry shampoo, let it sit for a minute, and then scrub my head all over like I’m washing my hair. This really helps to disperse the product and lets it all get absorbed all over your head. This also helps eliminate any white spots you may see if you have darker hair. I will usually spray a heat protectant on my hair right before curling and then loosely comb through with my fingers. I love the Hot Mama Heat Activated Hair (Re)Freshing Spray because it actually refreshes second day hair in addition to adding heat protection! 🙂 Sometimes I’ll use a texture spray after I curl to give a more beachy look.

DAY 3+

Dry shampoo is my life saver! I do the same routine every day as described above – apply a little before bed and then more in the morning. It’s so important to absorb the oil as soon as it starts – if you wait too long you won’t be able to extend the life of your hair without washing as long as I do. I typically pull my hair half up on day 3/4 and then wear it in my fave bun or a simple pony for days 4/5/6+.


Here are some of my fave hair tips to help go the most days between washes! 🙂 

Hats are always a good idea – a fun dun hat if your hair is down or in a low pony or a cute ball cap if your hair is really dirty! 

If you workout, try spraying a little dry shampoo all over your roots prior to sweating. Don’t rub in – it always helps absorb the sweat and oil in my hair! 🙂 

Messy buns and braids are always a good idea! Braid your hair in a simple braid and throw on a sun hat! 

Always sleep with your hair in a high pony in a scrunchie – this helps avoid hair lines, gives good volume, and extends your blowout! 

Use styling products with a light hand – you can always add more and it’s always best to add a little at a time!

The Pantene Waterless Collection can be purchased in-store and online at Walmart HERE!

Thank you so much to Pantene for sponsoring this post. As always, I only recommend products I truly LOVE with y’all!

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