Introducing Olivia Mae Bullard

Olivia Mae Bullard

March 6, 2018 – 2:44 PM

6 LB 11 OZ ; 19.5 IN

Grey Oversized Sweater (size S/M) // High-waisted Leggings // Leopard Sneakers // Checkered Tote // Monogram Necklace XL 16″ Yellow Gold // Earrings // Car Seat & here // Baby Blanket ; I love these swaddles too // White Bow Hat //

Labor gown details:

Gownie +  pillowcase set, ‘mommy’ delivery socks, and matching baby gown – Mae Print // Use code ‘MORGANBULLARD’ to save 10% on your entire purchase at Baby Be Mine Maternity! 🙂

 I cannot believe it’s been exactly one week (& 2 days!) since our little princess was born. I know this may sound cliche, but seriously, this has been the best week of my life. It definitely hasn’t been the easiest, BUT my heart has never been more full of joy and happiness. I am so excited to share her birth story with y’all, and am finally taking the time to write it down before I forget all of the details. 🙂

due date

My due date was March 1, and I remember so much anticipation leading up to that day, When we found out that I was pregnant, March 1 seemed like such a long time away! When I was 39 weeks, I was expecting no new news at my doctor appointment, and to my surprise I was already dilated to a 1.5. I was so surprised, because I hadn’t felt any cramping, contractions or anything! She had already dropped super low (my doctor was shocked the first time she checked my at 37 weeks), and she could always feel her head before finding my cervix. She told me that when I do go into labor, she will come quickly because she was already so low. So that was a great start for sure. 🙂

Fast forward to my 40 week appointment, which was on my due date, and no progress. I was super bummed because I really wanted her to come on her own, and didn’t want to me induced. However, little lady had other plans and we scheduled my induction for March 6 if she didn’t decide to come on her own before then. 🙂 The weekend before her arrival, we went on our last date night, chilled around the house, and anxiously awaited the arrival of our sweet baby girl. I remember every little rumble in my stomach thinking, was that a contraction?! We walked, I bounced on my exercise ball, ate spicy food, and nothing really happened! I remember laying there every night thinking, is this our last night without a baby?

induction day

So Monday came and I remember waking up that morning thinking, this is my last day without a baby. I was so emotional! Happy, sad, excited, nervous, scared! I remember thinking that it had only been just me and Drew for over 10 years, and how different our lives were about to be. I feel selfish saying this, but I felt sad! I was so happy to finally bring our precious girl in the world but sad that this chapter of mine & drew’s life was ending. But, I didn’t realize that an even sweeter chapter was just beginning. 🙂 I had such bad nerves all day Monday – I just hing around the house with Drew watching tv. We went and ate Panera for dinner and went home. I remember that being probably the most silent dinner Drew and I have ever had together. We were both just so nervous that we didn’t even really talk! We went back home, loaded up the car and headed to the hospital. I had my induction scheduled to start Monday night (the 5th) at 9:30pm.

being induced

We got to the hospital and immediately were whisked away into the deliver room, and I changed into my gown. The hospital staff laughed because (of course) I brought my own gown and had a matching pillow case. Everyone that came into my room always said how cute it was haha. Side note, I’m so glad that I brought my own pillow because it was WAY comfier than the pancake hospital pillow. There’s just something comforting about having your own pillow. 🙂 Anyways, they immediately took a few (big) containers of blood, which I wasn’t expecting! Anytime I have a bunch of blood drawn I feel like I’m going to pass out, so that was a fun way to start the night haha. I was like, oh my gosh, if I can’t even have my blood drawn how am I going to birth this baby?! They hooked me up to my IV on my left arm and put the blood pressure cuff on my right arm. They started low dose pitocin and had that + fluids running through my IV all night long.

start of labor

Around 5:30 in the morning, I felt what I thought was a huge kick. But, I heard a pop, and was like, OW! That kick hurt! I look down and there’s water everywhere! My water broke on it’s own (which I wasn’t progressing anymore so I was very surprised that my water broke!). It was such a weird feeling, but I was kind of relieved to know that my body was finally deciding it was labor time. Around 6/6:30 the contractions started getting really close together and I was feeling it. I got some pain medicine through my IV and it really just kind of made me loopy. Drew said my eyes were like darting and I looked crazy. :’) My doctor came in around 7:30/8 and said I had already dilated to a 3, and I was like okay, GIVE ME THE EPIDURAL NOW PLEASE! I knew I wanted an early epidural, but I wanted to progress a little before getting it.


It takes about an hour from the time you ask for the epidural until they finally come in and give it to you. They have to pump you full of a whole bag of fluids first before they can start. By the time the anesthesiologists (there were 2) got in the room I was in a LOT of pain. They started doing the epidural on me I think around 8:30/9am? Like Drew’s face made me sad because he knew how much pain I was in. I was trying to think off another time I felt pain like this and it honestly takes the cake. It was like my contraction would last 30-60 seconds and they were coming every 2 minutes. So I felt like I couldn’t relax or get a break in between. I always thought that contractions would just feel like bad period cramps, but they don’t feel anything like that! It’s like your whole belly gets sooo tight and hard, and your uterus/lower abdomen sis just tightening every muscle as hard as it can. Very, very painful – I have no idea how women give birth without an epidural!

I was honestly so scared of getting an epidural too beforehand, because I hate needles, blood, all that stuff so I was actually terrified. My contractions were so painful that honestly the epidural didn’t even hurt. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s true. You also have to sit perfectly still while they’re doing it, which was really difficult being in that much pain. Drew was seriously my rock throughout al of this, holding my hand and just looking in my eyes the entire time. He really comforted me and took my fears away. That may sound cheesy, but he really did. I just focus on his eyes and breathing, and they were quickly done with my epidural! I almost immediately felt better after they were finished. I couldn’t feel my legs, which was so bizarre and I really could only feel a little pressure. My least favorite part about the epidural was having to get a catheter. It was more uncomfortable than the epidural, and I couldn’t wait to get it out lol. They remove it right before you start pushing!I slept for a couple of hours after this, and it was so nice just to relax a little bit.


They came in and checked me again and I was in between a 7 & 8! I was so excited that I was progressing (and progressing quickly!). My biggest fear was going through all of this pain and then getting stuck and having to get a c-section. They called my doctor back and by the time she got there, I was already at a 9! She said she would be back in 30 minutes and I would have to push. It was getting real at this point, and I felt a lot of pressure. It was a different pain than the contractions, and more uncomfortable than anything. My doctor came back after about an hour, and that meant it was time to push! I was so scared that I wouldn’t know how to push or that it would take forever – I really just didn’t know what to expect! When you push, they tell you to breathe in when the contraction starts, and then basically hold our breath and push as hard as you can for as long as the contraction lasts. Then you rest in between contractions and continue pushing.


I remember my doctor telling me, okay one more push! And I was thinking, yeah right! But it really was! One more push and she was out.  I only pushed for 7 minutes! I started pushing at 2:37 PM and our beautiful baby girl entered the world at 2:44 PM. I’ve never felt so many emotions as I did in that moment. I was seriously bawling like a baby (crying harder than Olivia! haha), and so was Drew! I had never felt that much joy, pride, and just pure love than I did when she was born. I just remember thinking, Oh my God, I did it! She’s perfect. She’s here. I’m a mom! My doctor had to tell me to open my eyes to look at her! I didn’t blackout, but that moment was almost like I was seeing it 3rd person, it’s hard to explain. Hearing that sweet little cry and seeing her little body seriously just made my heart explode and made me sob even harder. I just remember seeing Drew, Olivia, and my doctor in that moment. I’ll never forget that feeling.

after delivery

After delivering her, they wiped her off and did a few things before giving her back to me. I had to deliver the placenta too, which was actually way easier than I expected. My doctor pressed on my stomach a little and seriously just pulled it out haha. I was also so happy that I didn’t need any stitches, which has made my recovery so much easier. After this, the nurses gave her back to me in a blanket and laid her on my chest. I’ve held so many babies in my life, but this was so different. She was so precious and fragile and tiny. It honestly felt like I’d never held a baby before, and I didn’t know what to do with her! lol. She was so little and precious, I just stared at her in awe thinking, this is our baby. I’m not sure why, but I always imagined having a bigger baby, especially since she was 5 days late! She’s so petite and perfect. I love that she’s so small and tiny because that means she will be little for just a little longer. 🙂

We spent time just mommy, daddy, and baby for a little while (about an hour – maybe longer, I’m not sure) before moving into our regular room – where we slept that night. We actually had a birth photographer, Dana, who was there the entire day with us. She got photos of my labor, the birth, after the birth, and then came back the next day to the hospital for photos too. She also got really sweet video footage of everything. I’m so excited to get everything back, I’ll do a separate post just to share all of those. 🙂 Dana owns DLB Photography and is doing her studio newborn photos too! 🙂

Our hearts are so full and being Olivia’s mom is sweeter than I could have ever imagined. Seeing Drew look at her, hold her, and tend to her makes me seriously fall even more in love with him. He’s been so helpful with her from day 1, and I am so thankful for that. He’s changed almost every dingle diaper since we’ve been home! I will feed her every 2-4 hours in the night and he will change her before every time. It is such huge help to me and I’m so thankful to have him right here by my side during this sweet time. My heart has never been more full of joy, and won’t ever be the same, that’s for sure. ♥

Morgan Bullard Signature


  1. 3.16.18

    Congratulations to your precious family! I’ve loved following along. Thank you so much for sharing this post – I’m due in 3 weeks!! First baby – so it’s wonderful to hear others stories/ perspectives. I’m similar to you in my fear of needles lol I’ve also had those same sentiments since it’s been me & my husband for 10 years!

  2. 3.16.18
    Taylor said:

    Congratulations! She is absolutely beautiful. I am 5 weeks behind you, and it is so informative to read your birth story. I appreciate your honesty and details, it makes labor feel less daunting! Good luck to you, Drew, and Olivia, I can’t wait to follow your mommy journey! 💕

  3. 3.16.18
    Emily Smith said:

    Beautifully written – I definitely teared up! Congratulations to you and Drew!

  4. 3.16.18
    Taylor said:

    I traded up!! So sweet!

    • 3.16.18
      Taylor said:

      Teared** lol!

  5. 3.16.18
    Michelle said:

    Ok tears!! This is the most precious birth story!! You and drew are the cutest and I can’t get enough of sweet olivia’s face! She’s seriously so precious! I’m so happy everything went well and I’m so happy to have watched you along this journey! You are going to be the best mom!

  6. 3.16.18
    Morgan said:

    Such a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing 💗

  7. 3.17.18

    Love your matching gown and pillow, great idea!!! Isn’t birth so amazing and that feeling when they lay her on you, ahhhh pure bliss!!! Can’t wait to see your birth photography

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