I’M PREGNANT! WE’RE Pregnant?! We’re having a baby! haha
Now that everyone knows that I AM PREGNANT, (insert confetti emoji here!) I wanted to share with y’all the video of me telling Drew! He had absolutely NO idea and I think I did a pretty good job of surprising him! I have a ‘blogging room’ in our house, so he totally wasn’t suspicious of the camera or anything, which was awesome for me! It’s always been one of those things I really wanted to get on video, and I’m SO happy that I did! It’s crazy that I’m already 12 weeks today, and we found out 8 weeks ago about sweet little Baby B! Time has flown by, so I am just trying to soak everything in and enjoy being pregnant while it lasts! I’m sure the last few weeks I will be saying otherwise. 😉
We got pregnant so quickly after we started trying (within the first month!!!), and I think that’s why we were both so shocked & excited! I don’t know why, but I thought it would take a while? No idea why I thought that, but I remember just staring in the mirror at myself for literally 5 minutes after I saw that sweet little 2nd line pop up (which popped up in about 3 seconds!). I’m so thankful to have such an amazing husband to be the father of our children. I seriously can’t wait to kiss this sweet little baby’s face, and I know it will be loved by so many & already is! I hope y’all enjoyed my little video, it’s super personal and something that I’ll cherish forever. Now for more exciting news, we found out this weekend (Monday latest) if Baby B is a boy or a girl! We’re doing a “sneak peak” test and it’s 100% accurate. I am so excited to finally start picking out names and jut to know what ‘it’ finally is!!!
what do you think baby b is?
click here to vote + see live results!