Hey y’all! Today I’m sharing a highly requested post – all of my favorite newborn baby products that I’ve been loving for Olivia! 🙂 She’s 3 weeks old now! HOW?! I’ve been using all of these since we first brought her home, and these are all things that I can’t live without for her. 🙂 I’ll continue creating these types of posts for y’all as she grows and starts using and loving new things!
Olivia sleeps in her DockATot in the Dream Weaver print every single night. Before she was born, we really thought she was going to sleep in her bassinet next to our bed. The first night we had her at home, we were seriously so clueless and she did not want to sleep in her bassinet. She cried and cried and cried! We tried a couple of different swaddles (we haven’t tried it with my fave swaddle that I’ll share as the next item – so once we do I will update!), with no luck! We will try again in a couple of weeks to see if she likes it now that she’s grown a little.
The DockATot give me so much peace of mind, because it allows us to sleep next to her safely! Breastfeeding her it’s so easy to just soothe her before she starts screaming, pick her up, and start feeding her. I honestly wasn’t even sure we would use the DockATot before she was born, and now I’m like, how could we live without it! It is pricier, but 100% worth it. 🙂 We have 2 extra covers too – the Strawberry Cream and the Pristine White, which I also recommend getting at least 1! Because babies spit up, their diapers leak, etc. and it’s nice to have another cover to change it out with when one gets dirty. 🙂
Ollie Swaddle
Like I mentioned above, I tried like 3-4 different swaddles before trying the Ollie Swaddle. I am a swaddling dummy and couldn’t get the real swaddling down with a swaddle blanket. I also tried a few other *supposedly* dummy proof swaddles, and they didn’t work for this dummy haha! In the middle of the night when you change your baby, the LAST thing you want is something that takes forever and is difficult to use. This Ollie Swaddle seriously takes 10 seconds to put on her and keeps her nice and tight! She loves to bust her arms out of other swaddles, and can’t get out of this one. 🙂 Like the DockATot, we have 2 of these (both are lavender & it’s such a pretty color!), so we can always have a clean one on hand!
Boppy + Boppy Cover
I am so happy I purchased a Boppy! I just bought the Bare Naked Boppy Pillow, because I knew I wanted to get my own covers! It was one of those last minute purchase for sure. I ordered it like the week before her due date haha. We took it to the hospital, and I’m so glad that I did! It helps support your baby so much when you’re feeding, and as first time mom I was so clueless as to how to hold her while feeding her! It’s also awesome just to use as support when I’m holding Olivia and when others are holding her! It helps keep her head and body supported, and is especially helpful for older people and very young people when holding her. 🙂
This swan boppy cover is what we’ve had on her Boppy since she was born, and it’s seriously so adorable. It’s the softest minky fabric and is really easy to take on and off, because it has a zipper! We also have this adorable peach boppy cover that’s also in the same super-soft minky fabric. 🙂
Playard with Built-in Changing Table
I’m SO happy that we got this Chicco Lullaby Glow Playard. It’s funny because we didn’t set it up until like a day or two before Olivia was born. I was telling Drew, we really need something downstairs to change Olivia on! He didn’t get it at first – he was like why can’t we just take her upstairs and change her? Now that we’re home, he TOTALLY sees how nice it is to have something downstairs. New babies go through so many diapers and it’s so nice having something right in our living room to change her on.
It also has a built in diaper + accessory cadre on the side, which I love! We keep her diapers, wipes, and baby lotion in this! I also keep an extra outfit and a couple of hair bows in here too. Because we are bathing her downstairs in her baby bath tub in the sink right now, it’s also so nice for this! I wrap her up in her towel and take her over to the playard to put on her lotion, put on her diaper, and put her in a new outfit. We have the silhouette color and it matches out house perfectly!
Swaddle Blankets
These are the best for so many uses – I actually don’t use them for swaddling, but couldn’t live without them! I always keep a couple downstairs and a few in my bedroom. When she’s in her swing or mamaroo, I always wrap her lower body with a swaddle to keep her warm, especially her little toes! When I’m feeding her, I use a swaddle blanket to help her to keep her warm. I also use her swaddle blankets to wipe up spit up (she doesn’t spit up a lot right now – when she does I’ll actually start using burps cloths). All of the ones I have are so soft, and I have a few favorites that I’ll link below for y’all. They’re also super lightweight, which makes them the perfect blankets for summertime.
These are my faves: This pretty floral pack, this precious little popsicle swaddle, this adorable citrus swaddle, this soft and pretty floral pack, and this pack too. They’re all super soft too, which is a major must-have for me. I also love this floral quilt and this floral quilt in “meadowlark” for keeping her warm on walks or while she’s in her carseat in the car. 🙂
Baby Swing + Rocker
We keep this baby swing upstairs in our bedroom. My parents AKA Gigi and Papa got this for her for Christmas. 🙂 I LOVE this swing because it is super comfy for her. She loves sleeping in it and sleeps for HOURS! The past 4 nights she has slept from 9-10PM until 5AM in the swing. PRAISE! One tip I have is swaddle your baby before putting them in the swing at night! This actually has helped so much with her sleeping longer and more soundly throughout the night. 🙂 This also lets us shower and get ready for bed while she’s sound asleep and safe. She also loves this swing when she’s awake because the little mobile lights up and spins around automatically. If I had to recommend this or the Mamaroo, I slightly favor this one because it is more entertaining when she’s awake, but it is more expensive!
As far as settings it has one movement, and we usually keep it on speed 3 (the middle setting). It also has a 15, 30, and 60 minute timer. There are different sounds that it plays, and we usually use the nature sound with rain and crickets in the background. Another cool feature about this swing is that it’s a 2-in-1. The top piece separates from the base and you can just use it alone as a little baby rocker! If you aren’t close to a plug, it actually runs off of batteries too, which is so nice! The cord is pretty short that it comes with, so the cordless feature is super convenient for us.
I love putting Olivia in her Mamaroo to nap in the daytime. We have her mamaroo next to our couch and anytime she dozes off after eating or just being held, I put her in this! She usually sleeps a good couple to a few hours in this and it helps me work, get dressed if I haven’t yet (haha!), and get stuff done around the house! Her favorite setting is the rain sound, on speed 3, on the rock-a-bye motion! I say this is her favorite because I feel like she sleeps the longest on these settings. 😉 You can also change the settings on your phone using the 4moms app, which is super cool!
Baby Bath Tub
I was so excited to give Olivia her first bath. She wasn’t so excited haha. She hated it actually, but all newborns are like that. This baby bath tub from 4moms is amazing for so many reasons. It tells you the exact temperature of the water, do you can get the perfect warm temperature for your baby. It’s like goldilocks + the 3 bears – not too hot, not too cold, juuuust right. 😉 I also love that it fits into our sink perfectly and won’t fall in, which gives me peace of mind! Another really nice feature is that it’s constantly regulating new water in and old water out, so you’re not bathing your baby in the same dirty water. I love this tub and can’t recommend it enough. 🙂
Baby Sleeper Gowns
I freaking love baby gowns. I’m the oldest of 4, and there’s a pretty big age difference between me and my youngest brothers! Growing up, I remember my mom always using sleeper gowns when they were little. Now I know why she always used them when they were so tiny, because it’s so easy to change her diaper in a sleeps gown! No snaps or buttons or zips – you literally just pull it up to her belly button, change her, and pull it back down. Especially in the middle of the night, these are amazing. Plus, I think they’re so adorable and love how sweet Livvy looks in them. I’m all about her being a baby and looking like a baby for as long as I can, and these sleeper gowns just make her look even more like a precious little baby.
These are all of my favorite sleeper gowns that Olivia has:
Pink Bunny and White Bunnies 2 Pack Sleeper Gowns (on major sale!)
Turquoise Polka Dot and Whit Butterfly Sleeper Gowns 2 Pack (on major sale!!!)
Light Pink Monogrammed Sleeper Gown
White Monogrammed Sleeper Gown
The Beaufort Bonnet White Sleeper Gown with Pink Tie at Bottom – Darling Debut Set: White with Plantation Pink
The Beaufort Bonnet Twinkle Twinkle 2 in 1 Gown in Plantation Pink
We don’t have these sleeper gowns but I love them! (I may order them because they’re such a good price!!)
Black and White Heart and Grey Sleeper Gown 2 Pack (on major sale!)
Rainbow Clouds and Salmon Sleeper Gowns 2 Pack (on major sale!)
Electric Nose Sucker
I really don’t know what else to call this haha – it’s the Zoli Breathe Electric Nasal Aspirator. Yes, it’s technically called a “nose aspirator” but I call it a nose sucker lol. This thing is AMAZING! My mom swore by the little blue ones they give you at the hospital and ours seriously broke within the first 2 weeks! I was scared to use this on Olivia at first because it is kind of noisy, but y’all it works so good. Instead of trying to get the stuff out of her nose 10 times, I get everything out on the first try every time.
It’s electric, so you press down the button and it automatically sucks everything out. Babies can only breathe out of their nose, so it’s important to keep it nice and clean! 🙂 This electric baby nail trimmer from Zoli is also amazing for keeping those crazy long baby fingernails trimmed. without having to worry about pinching their skin. 🙂
What I’m Using for Tummy Aches: Gas Drops + Gripe Water
A couple of weeks ago we had a rough day/night with her tummy hurting (lots of gas and she just couldn’t get comfortable and wouldn’t stop crying!). I was desperate just to help her feel better! There’s just something as a mom you know your baby just isn’t happy or feeling well. I had Drew pickup some gripe water first at the drugstore on his way home from the gym. It really didn’t seem to help, so I did a little more research. The one we originally got had sodium bicarbonate in it, and I later read that it’s actually better to get a gripe water without that in it!
Gas Drops + Gripe Water
I found this gripe water on Amazon, and we LOVE it! It doesn’t have anything artificial or bad in it, and she loves the way it tastes! You can give it to your baby up to 6 times a day, and I typically only give it to her once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once at night right before bed. Sometimes only 2 times a day, it just depends if she’s fussy or not during the day! I also ordered these gas drops, which are the same brand. It’s naturally flavored with strawberry and tastes really yummy! Both the gripe water and the gas drops are clear, which is a huge plus for me because I spill stuff a lot, especially in the middle of the night or if I’m very tired haha.
These gas drops also don’t have anything artificial or bad in them, and she also loves the taste of these. I give these too her more frequently, almost after every feeding! You can give the gas drops to your baby up to 12 times a day, and I feed her, on average, about 6-7 times a day! 🙂 They contain simethicone which is a common medicine to help relieve gas and is totally safe! The main difference between the gripe water and the gas drops is that the gas drops are a medicine and the gripe water is an herbal supplement. You can give them both at the same time, and oftentimes I do. I typically give the gas drops when I switch sides or after I’m done feeding, and the gripe water after I’m done feeding!
Baby Probiotic
We actually just started using this baby soothe probiotic a few days ago, but I feel like I’ve already noticed a difference! It has really good reviews and I want Livvy’s tummy to be as happy as it can be! As I said above, she was having tummy troubles a couple of weeks ago. That’s what sparked me to order these in addition to the gas drops + griper water. They don’t seem to have a taste (I tried them) and I just put 2 drops on my boob (lol) before I feed here and then put another 3 drops when I switch sides. I tried 5 drops at once and it just drips everywhere and doesn’t work as well! 🙂
Infant Carseat
It’s so hard picking out a car seat. I ended up choosing the Nuna Pipa Lite for a few reasons! I love the Nuna brand, and read so many good things about the quality + safety of their products. This infant car seat is super lightweight, so I don’t feel like I’m doing a workout every time I carry here and lift her in and out of the car. I also love the dark grey/black colors because they’ll be unisex for our next baby. 🙂
Nuna MIXX2 Baby Stroller
I love our Nuna MIXX2 stroller for a ton of reasons. Right now it’s so awesome because we can pop her infant carseat right on and can take her on a walk through the neighborhood! The all-terrain wheels are really thick (very important), so I know they’re going to last + wear very well. I also love the large storage basket at the bottom – it fits so much stuff! I also love this little stroller organizer attachment, and I have it strapped onto the handlebar. It hold 2 large cups, my phone, and anything else I want to stuff inside like pacis, my keys, and a snack for mama!
Baby Shusher
So the Baby Shusher is seriously a MUST have! I actually found out about this from our newborn photographer, and laughed the first time I saw it! However, I am not laughing now because it truly is a lifesaver. It basically makes a constant “shhhhhh” sound for you (try doing it yourself and you’ll be exhausted after 5-10 minutes, trust me haha). Babies love this sound because it mimics the natural sounds that occur when they’re in your belly, which is so cool! When Olivia is fussy and sleepy, we turn this on and put it close to her and she always calms down. I am actually going to the grocery store right now to do the online pickup and turned it on after I put her in her car seat and she was asleep less than 5 minutes! She hates her car seat still, so this is so helpful! 🙂
hair bows
I love these big and stretchy hair bows because they’re so cute! They’re also super soft and comfortable on her head – they never leave a line. They come in so many colors, we have probably 10 or so different colors. But, my 3 favorites are the white, ballet pink, and ivory. I also love these little hair bows in the “Belle” style. They’re not as big, and the band is made of nylon and is super stretchy, soft, and comfy. My favorite colors of these are the white and the blush pink. 🙂
These Smilo Newborn Pacifiers are Olivia’s absolute favorite. She LOVES them and took to them immediately the day after she was born in the hospital. I love how they’re on solid silicon piece. They’re actually made to support straight smiles too, which I love. 🙂 A lot of people are worried that pacis will interfere with breastfeeding, and I haven’t had any issues whatsoever. She loves these and sometimes she just wants to be soothed! If y’all sign up for emails here, it will get you free shipping + 15% off! Y’all can also use code ‘MORGBULLARD10’ to save 10% on future orders! 🙂