Before – Left more ashy and white blonde & Right: After Christophe Robin Shade Variation Care Golden Blond Mask – more golden and honey colored rather than “white” or ashy blonde.
This lastpic is with luxy hair extensions: 2, 2-clip wefts and 1, 3-clip weft of my new luxy hair extensions. 🙂 y’all I’m obsessed with them and how natural-looking and luxurious they are! I am wearing the color “dirty blonde” and I’ll have a discount code for y’all on them real soon! 🙂
HAIR MASK: Folica c/o | DPHUE ACV HAIR RINSE: Folica c/o | SEDU 1″ CURLING WAND: Folica c/o | HAIR EXTENSIONS: Luxy Hair Extensions 160g in Dirty Blonde (shown only in last pic)
Ahhh so sorry I have been neglecting y’all with posts lately! I have had so much (Good so much) going on lately that I will fill y’all in on very soon. I’m actually writing this in the airport terminal because Drew and I are super early for our flight to Mexico. 🙂 Like always, I wanted to get my hair touched up before th trip but didn’t get around to it, so I need something to revive my color for vacation. If you have blonde hair like me, I’m sure you have used a toning shampoo or conditioner before. Mine are usually bright purple and help pull out brass out of my hair to keep the blonde bright longer!
However what I a am sharing with y’all today is a hair toning mask from Folica! It is the PERFECT at home color refresher. It re-tones your hair for up to 4 washes, enhancing your color and freshens everything up like you visited the salon! Oh, well that’s nice but I don’t have blonde hair/don’t color my hair. Well, guess what? If you don’t have blonde hair, that’s fine! They have 4 color shades available for your selection. They have baby blond – ash blond brass eliminating, golden blond, ash brown for you cool brunettes, warm chestnut, and chic red for you fiery gals. Don’t color your hair? Well lucky you too because it also enhances your natural color, restoring color vibrancy that can be lost overtime from heat styling and the condition we expose our hair to daily. So how do you pick the color? Like I said before the purple is more for your bright, white, ashy blonde. It pulls the warmth out of your hair, eliminating all brassy tones. My shade is the Christophe Robin Golden Blond, which tones hair to a gorgeous honey golden color. You can definitely see from the before and after pics how it took the whiter and lighter blondes and made them more golden. I also went out shopping after I toned my hair with my golden blond mask and I got SO many compliments on my hair color. Which I have gotten compliments on my hair before, but not just specifically my color. Tip: if you’re a brunette with hi lights, the purple mask may work wonders for you because it will help eliminate brassy tones that can happen when hi-lighting darker shades of hair.
How to: make sure your hair is cleansed with a clarifying shampoo to make sure all buildup is removed from hair. This will ensure the color is fully absorbed into your hair. I used my dpHue ACV Rinse because it gets out all of the gunk without making my hair feel like straw. It is the perfect prep product for the Christophe Robin Golden Blond mask. I then got out of the shower and towel dried my hair. I applied 2 quarter size amount (shown below) and massaged into my entire head. I wrapped my hair into a bun and waited 30 minutes to rinse! I rinsed it out with luke-warm first, then blasted it with ice cold for 30 seconds to maximize shine. I then styled as normal with my 1″ Sedu curling wand!
Why I love it: it actually works! $51 is a lot for a mask I know, but you use so little and only need to use about 2x a month, maybe even less depending how frequently you wash your hair. It saves you a trip to the salon as well, whether it’s a tone or a color, you’re making your hair last longer by using this, which saves money too. I don’t know about y’all but it’s ~$130 to get my hair done and if I want it tones another $30 each time. So 2 uses of this stuff for me, it has already paid for itself. My hair is so soft and smells heavenly too. The product smells very luxurious and isn’t too heavy for my fine hair. I was able to curl my hair and it held all day, which is awesome because so many masks weigh my hair down. So if you want to save a trip to the salon and freshen up your color at home, give it a try. I promise you’ll be glad you did. Make sure you snag it up now from Folica!
Happy Tuesday friends! Drew and I are having an amazing time in Mexico and I can’t wait to share our trip with y’all when we get home (I don’t want to leave though because it’s perfect here!!!!)