Striped Ruffle Cuff Tee | Denim short in Lexi wash | Monogram Necklace – XL 16″ Yellow Gold | Mama Necklace | Gold Bracelet Cuff | Belt | Sandals in Makeup | Faux Diamond Studs
Hey y’all! Today I wanted to share y’all’s favorites from April! As a blogger, I’m a member of an affiliate program called RewardStyle! I’m sure y’all always notice me tagging “” in most of my Instagram photos. This allows me to share each item I’m wearing with y’all, and for all of my Instagram photos to be easily shopped! Rewardstyle/ are the same company, and they allow me to link clothes or anything I share. These links are a way for me to make commission by sharing the things that I love with y’all! When y’all click my links or swipe up on my stories and make a purchase, I make a small percentage as commission for making the sale on your total purchase price! This is the way you can pay it forward to me for recommending styles with y’all, sharing sales, and just sharing every day things/products/clothes that I love!
I can’t see specifically who is buying what or anything like that, but I can see how many purchase are made for an item that I link! So, I can track y’all’s favorites this way. So in a way, these are my best sellers for April. And for good reason – these are all some my favorite things that I have shared in April too! π Looking at my sales metrics also helps me know what y’all are loving, and what you may not love so much! It helps me create the best content I can for y’all. After all, that i my job, and that is why I am here for you!
Any time you make a purchase using my link, I appreciate it so much. This commission helps keep my blog running, and allows me to continue sharing my favorites with y’all from clothing to baby stuff to beauty tips! π There is so much work that goes into creating a blog post, an Instagram photo, and even Instagram stories. I absolutely LOVE doing it, so I wanted to let y’all know that I am so thankful for y’all using my links, and it’s all possible thanks to y’all! So thank you for taking the extra time to shop on my blog, or swipe up on my stories using my links.
Without further ado, here are y’alls favorite things for April!
- Lou & Grey Signaturesoft V-Neck Tunic
- Chambray Drawstring Shorts
- Striped Ruffle Cuff Tee (shown in photo above)
- Women’s Free People Intimately Fp Adella Longline Bralette – White
- Denim short in Lexi wash (shown in photo above)
- Sleek Jersey Pocket Tee 3 Pack
- The Water Hydrating Self-Tan Water (wearing in photo above)
- Infant Ju-Ju-Be ‘Legacy Bff’ Diaper Bag – Black
- Cotton Candy Seamless Nursing Bra
- Women’s Cosabella ‘Never Say Never Mommie’ Soft Cup Nursing Bralette
- Lou & Grey Signaturesoft V-Neck Tee
- Mama Necklace (shown in photo above)